Forum 5 – December 2021: Moving on
In December 2021, the University of Kent’s School of Cultures and Languages hosts its fifth Modern Languages Teaching Forum.
The Modern Languages Teaching Forum will take place on Wednesday 8 December 2021 from 17.00 to 19.00. The event will take place online, via Zoom.
Please register if you would like to attend to obtain the login details (no confirmation email will be sent, please copy and paste the details from the ‘Thank you for registering’ page).
At the Forum we will explore best practice methods and strategies to enhance Modern Languages teaching provision and to improve attainment for all students and pupils.
We want to take stock of our experience with distance learning, with online tools and technologies, to understand which good practices we are keen to port into blended experiences, and discuss our return to normal classroom settings. But also and more importantly we want to look ahead.
16.50 Registration and welcome
17.00 Pauline Souleau, University of St Andrews – Learning with technology, learning from technology? Digitally-enhanced projects in the making
17.20 Maria Guarnieri, University of Leicester – Community Building and Social Presence. New Beginnings, Beginners Italian.
17.40 Marisa Ghirlandi, University of Kent – Workshop – Using Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) in the classroom
18.10 Q&A
18.20 Screen break
18.25 Asynchronous papers recaps, discussion and Q&A
18.40 Lauranne Lefrançois and Clara Díaz Bayón, University of Kent – The integration of culture and language in MFL teaching. The case of “Year in a Language” (French) at the University of Kent
19.00 Maggie Awadalla and Ru Su, University of Kent – Integration of cultural knowledge in assessment patterns
19.20 Q&A
19.30 Closing remarks
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