Workshop “The Why and How of Incorporating Intercultural Learning into the Elementary Italian Language Classroom”
Workshop “The Why and How of Incorporating Intercultural Learning into the Elementary Italian Language Classroom” – online, 8 dicembre 2021
A Workshop with Professors Janice M. Aski and April D. Weintritt Offered by the Department of Hispanic and Italian Studies at the University of Illinois at Chicago in collaboration with the Consulate General of Italy, Education Office and the Italian Cultural Institute of Chicago In this workshop, April Weintritt and Janice Aski begin by discussing why intercultural competence needs to be incorporated into the language classroom and how language classrooms are a perfect fit for developing intercultural competence, focusing in part on how the full-immersion language learning environment targets particular skills, qualities, and attitudes of intercultural competence. They will present multiple effective classroom activities and then discuss strategies that ensure activities align with chosen intercultural learning goals. Finally, a portion of the workshop will be dedicated to opportunities to brainstorm and create activities specific to participants’ classroom goals and assessment types, supported by the workshop leaders.
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Meeting ID: 828 4366 4747 • Passcode: 6i23NRWB

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